Actual Trump Quotes
It’s difficult to imagine Biden – or any other president, Republican or Democrat – talking like this. But these are straight from Trump’s mouth, or his “long and beautiful” Twitter fingers.
‘An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud’ – Trump was determined to ‘expose’ President Obama’s birthplace back in 2012, and even claimed to have sent investigators to Hawaii in the hopes of proving Obama wasn’t born in the United States.
‘If I were running ‘The View’, I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, I’d look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say “Rosie, you’re fired.”‘ – Trump has infamously hated on Rosie O’Donnell, making crude, sexist and misogynistic remarks about her on multiple occasions.
‘My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.’ – Ew.
‘You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything….Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.’ – Somehow the gross audio from the Access Hollywood tapes only tanked one career – and it wasn’t Donald Trump’s.
‘I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.’ – A Trump supporter who was a former serviceman gave Trump his purple heart at a rally. Given that Trump avoided military service on shaky medical grounds, it’s a little ironic.
“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”
“[John McCain is]… not a war hero. He’s a war hero – he’s a war hero ’cause he was captured. I Like people that weren’t captured, OK, I hate to tell you.”
On Judaism
“I’m a negotiator, like you folks.”
On Breastfeeding Mothers
“You’re disgusting.”
On Health Care
“Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.”
And, of course, his suggested cures for Covid-19 including potentially dangerous drugs which have been shown to have no effect on the virus and injecting disinfectants:
“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it’d be interesting to check that.”
And on July 19, 2020
“We’re signing a healthcare plan within two weeks, a full and complete healthcare plan. We’re going to sign an immigration plan, a healthcare plan, and various other plans. Nobody will have done what I’m doing in the next four weeks.”
Of course, nothing happened.
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