Trump said he’s done with Fox News after they released polls showing him trailing Biden
“Trump said he’s done with Fox News after the network on Sunday showed him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in the polls.
Trump claimed he was leading in “real polls” but did not cite any.”
In addition to attacking Fox, Trump also urged his supporters to change the channel.
Trump has repeatedly attacked news agencies for reporting on polls unfavorable to him and even sent a “cease and desist” threat to CNN last month for broadcasting a poll that showed him trailing Biden by 14 points.
The Trump campaign also reportedly cut ties with some pollsters last month after internal polls were leaked. Those polls showed Trump trailing Biden in several swing states.
Trump has expressed displeasure with Fox News numerous times in recent months. In May, he complained that the network was “doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected.” He also said he was “looking for a new outlet.”
Trump said he’s done with Fox News after they released polls showing him trailing Biden — No Comments
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