Maybe it really is time for Medicare for All
This opinion piece is short, to-the-point, and very convincing.
Stop fearmongering about ‘Medicare for All.’ Most families would pay less for better care.
“The case for Medicare for All is simple. It would cover everyone, period. Done right, it would lower costs. And it would ease paperwork and confusion. With costs rising painfully, insurance companies denying care and nearly 30 million people still uninsured, America desperately needs an honest health policy discussion.”
The article clearly makes the case that is is beyond just taxes vs premiums. It points out the entire exploding health costs under the current system.
And the way it explains it is not overly wordy and tedious. It’s something that can be taken to the campaign trail without eye-glazing lectures.
Maybe it really is time to go for the gold.
Maybe it really is time for Medicare for All — No Comments
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