Some lies from Trump’s interview with the New York Times
The Washington Post actually counted one lie every 75 seconds, but lets be generous and just cover a few.
(1) Trump said the claims against Paul Manafort occurred “many years ago before I ever heard of him.” They met in 2011. The accusations cover the period from 2006 through 2017, and he was campaign chair until August 2016.
(2) He lied and said Senator Dianne Feinstein appeared “on television saying there is no collusion” between his campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. She never said that. She said it needs to be investigated.
(3) He lied, claiming the Democrats “made the Russian story up as a hoax, as a ruse, as an excuse for losing an election.” Obama was privately and publicly complaining to Putin about it since September, 2016.
(4) He lied and said “saved coal,” contrary to trends reported by the government. The number of coal mining jobs fell to about 48,600 in September 2016 from almost 90,000 in January 2012.
(5) He lied and said he “essentially gutted and ended Obamacare.” Vital parts of the current law — the expansion of Medicaid eligibility, rules stipulating insurance policies cover essential health benefits and new taxes to pay for the cost of subsidized coverage — remain intact.
Some lies from Trump’s interview with the New York Times — No Comments
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