Bizarre new Trump lies at press event cabinet meeting
Trump called in reporters today for what he billed as his first full Cabinet meeting. He started with an opening statement filled with his usual boastful, easily disproved lies.
For example, Trump said, “Never has there been a president, with few exceptions … who has passed more legislation, done more things.”
The truth, however, is that Congress, which is controlled by his party, hasn’t passed any major legislation yet.
Trump also praised his plan for the “single biggest tax cut in American history,” even though he hasn’t proposed a plan and Congress hasn’t acted on one.
Then he said “no one would have believed” his election could have created so many new jobs over the past seven months (1.1 million), even though more jobs (1.3 million) were created in the previous seven months.
After that he had cabinet officers one by one praise him in a way that is being much mocked around the Internet today. See, for example, New York Senator Charles Schumer’s 23 second parody with his staff. It’s worth taking a look at.
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